Tuesday, May 22, 2007

i'm pregnant! it is an exciting time for us. we didn't really plan for him/her but we knew there was a possibility of happening and well here it is! we are SO ready! i am SO excited! so here is my pregnancy blog.

i currently do not feel pregnant at all... maybe more tired than usual and a little irritable (although paul will probably have a much different opinion) no morning sickness, just a small bout of nausea but its been due to the fact that i get VERY HUNGRY (i've been eating so much but i haven't gained weight) very easily! i've been eating spicy foods lately... not exactly craving it but i end up eating spicy foods... you know the wives tales say thats a sign that the baby will be a boy.

we've already decided on names.

jake masashi yoshimoto
lilia shizumi yoshimoto

i already had a dream about signing 'jake' up for day care although i kept yelling at the lady at the desk it could be lilia or jake she just signed jake up...

Your Conception Date is: 4/20/2007 (Approximately 2 weeks before your next menstrual period)

You're in your First Trimester(weeks 1-12)
our period of greatest risk for birth defects is:
(5 to 10 weeks gestational age) 5/11/2007 to 6/15/2007
Your baby's fetal organ formation begins: 5/11/2007
Your baby's major organs have formed: 6/15/2007
Second Trimester(weeks 12-27)6/29/2007
Your risk of miscarriage decreases.
If your baby is premature, but born after this date, s/he has a chance to survive: 9/14/2007
Third Trimester(27 - 40 weeks) 10/12/2007

Your Pregnancy Due Date is (40 weeks - full term) 1/11/2008

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